Shipping and payment




Delivery Method

Goods will be delivered by priority post. The item will be delivered by Royal Mail to the UK. The post office of your country will deliver the item to other countries.

Country of delivery

Delivery of goods worldwide.

Delivery time

Delivery time is from accept payment 2 - 7 days within Europe and 3 - 12 days within the rest of the world.

Shipping cost

Shipping of goods for each order is to worldwide free.



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Method of payment.

The order can be paid by bank transfer or Paypal, where you can pay either through your Paypal account or credit card.

Payment security

Payment by credit card is through the world famous company of Paypal. Your credit card information is not available to the seller. For other forms of payment, none of your sensitive information is available to any party.

Price of payment

All three payment methods are free of charge.