10 reasons to buy Kauricoin


Kauricoin is a very young cryptocurrency that has recently entered the cryptocurrency exchange. That is why this could be a great investment opportunity. Let's look at all the reasons to invest in kauricoin.

1) Kauri are shells of various molluscs, in particular gastropods of the family Cypraeidae, species Cypraea moneta and Cypraea aurantium. These little white shells served as the primary currency for the exchange of goods in human history. Name of Kauricoin is therefore derived from this currency, which was at the birth of human culture. The cryptocurrency could not have chosen a better name.

2) Kauricoin entered the cryptocurrency stock exchange Latoken in mid-March 2020. Since then, it has been exponentially growing, without major fluctuations, or breaking the trendline. So this cryptocurrency have stable growth.

3) It is also planned to enter the cryptocurrency stock exchange Binance , which will increase liquidity and interest in this cryptocurrency. Once this cryptocurrency enters Binance, modest estimates suggest that the value of kauricoin could rise at least ten times within five months, regardless of other factors.

4) Kauricoin is a cryptocurrency created to paying for accommodation. By this cryptocurrency is now possible pay for accoumodation on hotels in Costa Rica and are preparing new agreements with other hotels around the world that would accept kauricoins instead of real money.

Here you can see the first payment for accommodation via Kauricoins:

5) As Kauricoin will be accepted as a payment instrument, it will be very similar to Bitcoin. Bitcoin also serves as a payment instrument, where many people hold this cryptocurrency to pay with it. It means that both Bitcoin and Kauricoin have a lot of people who hold these cryptocurrencies not for pure speculation, but as the classic currency with which they can pay. This has the main effect that these cryptocurrencies never fall below a certain price level.

6) You can buy Kauricoin on the centralized stock exchange Latoken and is also preparing to enter the decentralized stock exchange Binance. So you can choose if you prefer to buy kauricoin on a centralized or decentralized stock exchange. Both of these exchanges are among the ten largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world.

7) While the creation of Bitcoin is caused by an unknown person with the nickname Satoshi Nakamoto, the creation of Kauricoin is caused by a real person named Jiří Vokiel Čmolík. This businessman, investor, visionary and personal development coach is behind many successful projects. He has written more than seven books, founded several hotels and a health clinic in Costa Rica. At the same time, he created a personal development program with name Neurorestart, which was attended by more than ten thousand people.

 Here you can see the statement Jiří Vokiel Čmolík about Kauricoin:

8) In connection with Neurorestart was make Neurorestart Latin America, where Mr. Čmolík will present this method of personal development to all of Latin America and the whole Spanish-speaking world. There is a great expectation that he will also present his cryptocurrency kauricoin, so it looks like all of Latin America will buy this cryptocurrency.

The project is at the beginning, so far in Czech language information about Neurorestart Latin America:


9) If the current trend of Kauricoin growth continues at a pace that is now, so by 2025, kauricoin may be worth around $ 2,000. So far the trend line of kauricoin has not been broken and this cryptocurrency is still growing. You have a unique opportunity to make money on this growth.

10) The future of Kauricoin is open and who knows what further achievements and support it still awaits. It is possible that kauricoin will become so popular that you will be able to pay with it not only in hotels but almost everywhere. It is only on the basis of this information that we know that this is a great investment opportunity.

At the end you can see the official Kauricoin promo video:

The official website of kauricoin can be found here